We bring together technology seeds and market needs to create new innovations.
Does your company have a technology that hasn’t been on the spot yet?
Why not try our solution to fulfill market needs?
We support you create new innovations and succeed in business with talented experts.
Founder & CEO – Michael Usami, Ph.D.
Biography: I joined Sony Corporation after graduating from university. After working as a video camera engineer, I was transferred to the United States as a marketer for 7 years. After returning to Tokyo, I lead the product planning related to surveillance cameras and applications. After leaving Sony, which I worked for 21 years, I engaged in the launch of QD Laser Inc. as VP Sales & Marketing for about 5 years and began becoming interested in VR/AR areas. After working as a director of a foreign capital, I joined Ricoh’s new business development department and was involved in VR / 360 degrees camera, RICOH THETA and related business as Senior Management. In April 2021, I founded Garracuda.
About Us
Company Name
Founder & CEO
Garracuda Inc.
July 1st. 2022
Makoto “Michael” Usami – Ph.D.
Setagaya City, Tokyo Japan